The taste of Oktoberfest in East Tennessee

OktoberfestFour thousand, six hundred and forty seven miles. That is the distance between Knoxville and Munich, Germany, but there’s no need to travel that far. You can celebrate Oktoberfest in a variety of ways here at home.

Oktoberfest is the world’s largest beer festival – it originated with a royal wedding in 1810 – and officially was celebrated in Munich this year from Sept. 20 to Oct. 5. The festivities are ongoing in East Tennessee throughout this month so brush up on your beer history and savor some German brews.



Restaurant Linderhof, located in Farragut, offers an authentic experience with an Oktoberfest festival. It will be held Oct. 10-11, and $7 tickets can be purchased on the website for a two-day pass or pay $5 the day of the event. Linderhof’s Oktoberfest offers German beers, live music cuisine and culture. The staff even wears German apparel with men donning short-shorts, or lederhosen, while women dress in skirts known as a dirndl.

Cherokee Distributing Company has a solid array of German beers that can be found in bars, restaurants and stores throughout East Tennessee.

Samuel Adams Octoberfest, brewed by The Boston Beer Company, is a seasonal favorite of hearty malts and notes of caramel for a perfect fall brew. Its displays around town are a sure signal that fall is here.

Spaten Seasonal is a popular German beer with the authentic aroma, color and taste of a premium amber lager. Spaten was created in 1872 and specifically brewed for Oktoberfest.

Two other stout German beers to sample are Hofbrau Original and Hofbrau Dunkel, both brewed by Hofbrau Munchen, which sponsors the largest tent at Oktoberfest in Munich and is one of Germany’s oldest breweries. The original Hofbrau is a stable lager with hoppy flavors and aroma, while Dunkel is a dark brew that is rich and filling. Both are best enjoyed by pouring the beer in a large German stein.

Stateside brewers also deliver splendid German brews. Try Hudepohl Amber Lager, a hoppy and fruity brew, and Leinenkugel’s Hoppin’ Helles, a malted beer that gives off citrusy flavors after the first sip.

Oktoberfest is a celebration of the art of brewing and unites beer drinkers across the globe. Enjoy October and, as always, drink responsibly. Prost!